Today I start with a story from the Bible since the fanatics are not willing to listen to anything else:

“There were two mothers living in the same house, each the mother of an infant son, came to Solomon. One of the babies had been smothered, and each claimed the remaining boy as her own. Calling for a sword, Solomon declared his judgment: the baby would be cut in two, each woman to receive half. One mother did not contest the ruling, declaring that if she could not have the baby then neither of them could, but the other begged Solomon, “Give the baby to her, just don’t kill him!”
The king declared the second woman the true mother, as a mother would even give up her baby if that was necessary to save its life and awarded her custody. This judgment became known throughout all of I*s*rael and was considered an example of profound wisdom.”
Wikipedia from I.Kings 3:16-28

Now some other story from history:

– 1948, the “most moral army of the world” laced the Pal*les*tinian wells with typhoid as a part of biowarfare and destroyed drinking water and caused typhoid epidemic. (Loooooooooooong before 7th of October)

-2003, Rachel Corrie reported to press that the 2 largest water wells had been bulldozed to the ground by the same army destroying over the half of Ra*fah water supply. Rachel was crushed to death by the same type of bulldozer couple of months later.
(Looooooooong before 7th of October)

-Since 1967, more than eight hundred thousand Palestinian olive trees have been illegally uprooted by the same illegal authorities and settlers. Many were centuries old. (Raya, NewYorker,2023)
(Loooooooooooooooooong before 7th of October)

-2024 – 4 children in every single hour!!!! 4 children in every single hour!!!! 4 children in every single hour for 183 days straight!!!!
(NOW, At that exact moment!)

Two words I hear shouting from the mouth of the liar:
kh*ama*s and antise*mite

But the World is turning…

ICJ is set to start their 2 days hearing against Germany contribution to ge*nocide in Pa*le*stine.

322 aid trucks entered to Ga7a today.
If you have not yet managed to donate, it is the right time to do so. If you have done that, thank you so much and please keep up your support, lives depend on it.

Family support

We have a new girl in our team.
Maram has just reached out. She is a medical student, studying to become a doctor. She is only 22 years old with great hope to save lives but in her 4th years of study her university, her home and her friends were b0mbed.
She and her family are trying to find a safe place to live after they watched their house b0mbed. They were replaced 3 times as far and she survived 4 a77acks as far.
Let’s bring some hope to her life to give her a chance for safety and continuity.
She just reached out and they have almost nothing collected.
It does not matter how big or small, the price of a coffee would be a good start and can reach so far if many of us do it.
Here is the link.

Mohammed is only 17 and the only men in the family with an open knee injury. His father was ki11ed. Since his wound got infected due to lack of medication, he went under a surgery in a tent to clear out the infection. He extremely needs to get into Egypt to proper treatment otherwise he is losing his leg. He is collecting donation to the exit pass to Egypt with his family. He uses a different fund, not the gofundme, but givebutter works the same.
Here is the link to donate to him.

Alamal is in need of help in Kha*n Yu.nis, with two little son and his wife and family. With some of the paid-out donations, they managed to get some new nylon and wood to rebuild the structure of their tent.
Here is the link.…

Amal(25) our lady from the ground in Raf-ah.
She has received enough money to start the procedure for exiting Ga*za to Egypt and right now they are waiting for their passport. She is grateful for the donation, but she continues to collect donations since she needs to survive in Egypt as well. Here is the link for her:…

Dr Harara, the doctor from our emer medical team from European hospital. He was saying farewell to some of his friends who managed to collect enough money to passing the border. Hopefully with some more donation, he could be out in safety as well.…/nuyhj-help-evacuate-my…

Journalists support

May some of you know Wissam our journalist, he needs our help to evacuate to Egypt as well. Here is the link:

And Motasem, the Journalist who is restlessly documenting the ge*nocide. He is also the founder of Record Media, and a father of a beautiful baby girl Youmna. He wish to save his family out of the danger:

photo source unknown

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